Support for chronic diseases

Support for chronic diseases

Project Name

Support for chronic diseases


Project Strategy



Targeted Categories

Poor patients in need of drugs) applicants to the institution)


Importance of the Project and the Motives

Before the war, the patients used to receive most of the chronic medication continuously from the governmental hospitals or specialized centers, but after the war was imposed on the City of Taiz, some hospitals have been in the grip of s party of the conflict, such as the Military Hospital and the rest of the hospitals, which weren't spared the ongoing shelling. The same reasons the patients found themselves unable to cope with the disease without their own medication, in addition if it is available, it is very expensive that the patient can't afford to purchase to use for one day, that as soon as the Organization received its first case, the cases came in mass influx distributed among chronic and ordinary diseases. Most of the cases, which the Organization provides the medications as per the doctor's prescription, it is cases of brain atrophy (Epilepsy), as well as cases of diabetes, pressure, heart, mental illness, asthma and some cases of congenital deformity, war wounded and bed ulcers and paralytic as we mentioned previously, in addition to the ordinary diseases in which the patients were not able to purchase medications.

Examples of Medicines Provided by the Organization

motilin T, ceftriaxone vial , Foracort , salbutamol inh

 azithromaycin T, Multisanestal , Nova T, Plavex , levopact

Daonil, Muconil, Encephabol, Live mark, Tritace

Asprin, Torva, Concor, Omega 3, Olanzapine, Glucovance

Lomac, Prednslone, Clarithromycin, Osteofox, Neurobin

ca T, Hydra T Folic Acid, Doxil T, Forcan T, Indocid Supp,

Tegratol T, sy, Largactil T, Akisol, Haladol,

Flagyl T, Dipakin, Oflox T, Nospa, Keppra T 

And Other Medications


Project Supervising Authority

Together for Humanity Development Organization (Together we shall not be defeated).


Project's Beneficiaries Number

The Project's Beneficiaries Number reached 108 beneficiaries during the year 2017.

The required medications are received through an organized mechanism on a monthly basis and according to the available facilities of the institution.


Project continuity

 As mentioned previously, the project is receiving cases daily and the project enters the second year since its opening in 2018.



To contribute in supporting the project via: -



Mob - Whatsapp : +00967 735725555

Deposit in a bank  : 5705555 In Shamill Bank Of Yemen And Bahrain

Date: 08/11/2017